Organizational Structure
National Institute of Statistics
Organizational Structure
- Presidency
- INE President
- Vice-Presidents
- Advisory Board
- Technical Council for Methodological Coordination
- Directorate of Integration Coordination and External Relations
- Directorate of National Accounts and Global Indicators
- Directorate of Sectoral and Enterprise Statistics
- Directorate Census and Surveys
- Directorate of Democratic, Vital and Social Statistics
- Directorate of Administration and Human Resources
- Provincial Branches
Organizational Structure
INE is under the tutelage of the Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers delegates the supervision of INE to a member of the Government.
INE is entrusted with the following tasks:
- The reporting, collection, coordination and dissemination of statistical data which may be assigned by the Government under the terms of its annual activity plan approved by the relevant Minister, taking into account the general guidelines of national statistical activity and the respective priorities defined by the Statistical Council, CSE, under the terms of paragraph a) of article 18 of Law no. 7/96, of 5 June, and the opinion of the CSE on that plan under the terms of paragraph b) of the aforementioned article 18;
- Carry out statistical operations that allow the specific needs of public and private statistical users to be met in economically viable terms, the satisfaction of which is particularly required and covered financially.
In order to carry out its tasks, INE is responsible for
- Carry out surveys, censuses and other statistical operations;
- Create, manage and centralize the files deemed necessary;
- Access, for statistical purposes only, individualized information on companies, public and private, cooperatives, credit institutions and other economic agents;
- Carry out pure and applied statistical studies, as well as economic and social analysis, based on the available data;
- Promote the training of staff of the national statistical system in conjunction with appropriate educational institutions;
- Cooperate with foreign and international organizations.
President of INE
It is the President of INE's responsibility:
- Define the general management guidelines and direct the activity of INE, with a view to achieving its tasks;
- Ensure INE's relations with the relevant Minister;
- Direct INE's external relations activities;
- Represent INE, except when the law requires another form of representation;
- Submit INE's annual activity plan and report to the Statistical Council, abbreviated as CSE, for approval by the relevant Minister;
- Convene, chair, and conduct meetings of the Advisory Board and the Technical Council for Methodological Coordination;
- Supervise the management of human, financial and asset resources and general support services of INE;
- Appoint, dismiss and resign the heads of the Central Services and provincial delegations and the heads of other representative offices of INE;
- To exercise the other functions that are attributed to it by law and by the supervising Minister.
Vice Presidents
The Vice-Presidents report to the President of INE. The Vice-Presidents of INE are responsible for:
- Under the direction of the President, guide and ensure the coordination and technical integration of the SEN statistical activity;
- Assist the President in the performance of his duties;
- Substitute the President of INE in his/her impediments, in accordance with the precedence defined by him/her;
- Superintend the Directorates of INE's Central Services that are assigned to them by the President;
- Exercise the other competencies delegated or sub-delegated by the President.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is the President's support body, comprising the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Directors of INE's central services.
By decision of the President, the provincial delegates may also participate in the Advisory Board meetings.
Whenever the nature of the work of the Advisory Board so requires, the President of INE may invite other senior staff.
- The Advisory Board is responsible for giving its opinion on aspects of programming, organization, coordination, integration and analysis of the functioning of INE submitted by the President.
Technical Council for Methodological Coordination
The Technical Council for Methodological Coordination is the President's supporting body, comprising the President, the Vice-Presidents and the heads of INE's central services designated for the purpose by the President.
- The Technical Council for Methodological Coordination, also known as the Technical Council, is responsible for the technical coordination and analysis of matters of a technical nature relating to the activities of the SEN and INE, and for issuing opinions on such matters submitted to it by the President;
- The Technical Council meets whenever convened by the President of INE.
Directorate of Integration Coordination and External Relations
The Directorate for Integration, Coordination and External Relations, abbreviated to DICRE, is the central service responsible for planning, coordinating inter and intra institutional relations, management, dissemination and marketing of information.
The Directorate of Integration, Coordination and External Relations is responsible for:
- Advise the President in the formulation of the SEN and INE's strategic and tactical planning;
- Implement an integrated system for monitoring, control and evaluation of the implementation of the SEN and INE's plans;
- Prepare the draft annual plan and report of INE's activities Assist the President in directing the activities of INE's external relations and promote INE's participation in activities of international organisations;
- Prepare, monitor and assess training actions involving international cooperation, in articulation with the Directorate of Administration and Human Resources;
- Coordinate statistical codes, concepts and nomenclatures with a view to their use in all surveys carried out within the scope of the NSS, as well as their dynamisation in all administrative acts potentially subject to statistical exploitation;
- Exercise technical control over the SEN's rating instruments, give an opinion on applications for the registration of rating instruments and register them pursuant to the law;
- Ensure compliance with the legal rules on statistics and centralize statistical offence proceedings;
- Ensure compliance with the legal rules on statistics and centralize statistical offence proceedings;
- Centralise the publication, dissemination, marketing and commercialisation of information produced by INE and other bodies of the National Statistical System and ensure INE's timely, consistent and most exhaustive reply to requests for information from national and international entities;
- Provide technical support to the Statistical Council;
- Promote cooperation with national and foreign universities and research centers;
- Promote and support the production of statistical publications at the level of central and provincial services and delegated bodies;
- Carry out other activities as determined by the President.
The Directorate for Integration, Coordination and External Relations is structured as:
- Secretariat;
- Department of Coordination and External Relations;
- Department of Computer Science and Information Systems;
- Department of Dissemination and Documentation.
National Accounts and Global Indicators Department
The Directorate for National Accounts and Global Indicators, abbreviated to DCNIG, is the central service responsible for the production of national accounts, price indices, global indicators, studies and economic research.
The Directorate for National Accounts and Global Indicators is responsible for:
- Prepare the annual national accounts;
- Prepare special accounts, among which: provincial, regional and quarterly;
- Prepare syntheses and analyses of the economic conjuncture;
- Create and manage the central database of socio-economic indicators and prepare studies on their impact and correlation;
- Prepare proposals for the improvement of primary statistics; Prepare the Consumer Price Index and others;
- Articulate with the other departments of the central services, in order to guarantee the integration of the statistical operations, required for the production of national accounts;
- Carry out other activities that may be determined by the President and Vice-President who oversees the economic statistics area.
The National Accounts Directorate is structured as follows:
- Secretariat;
- National Accounts and Economic Studies Department;
- Prices Department.
Sectoral and Business Statistics Directorate
The Directorate for Sector and Business Statistics, abbreviated as DESE is the central service responsible for the production of sector, business, environment, and informal sector economic statistics and the management of the central database of enterprises and establishments.
DESE is responsible for:
- Prepare current statistics concerning industry, agriculture, natural resources, fisheries, energy, water, construction, tourism, internal and external trade, transport and communications, services in general, the environment and the informal sector;
- Plan, conduct and control censuses and sector and company surveys in the areas mentioned in the previous paragraph;
- Create, manage, keep updated and produce statistics on the central database of enterprises and establishments;
- To elaborate derived statistics, studies and publications in its area of competence;
- Ensure the participation of internal and external users in the planning and conduct of statistical operations under its responsibility and ensure that they comply with the SEN principles and other normative and coordination and statistical integration devices;
- Carry out other activities as determined by the President and Vice-President who superintends the economic statistics area.
The DESE is structured as follows:
- Secretariat
- Department of Goods and Environment Statistics
- Services Statistics, Cadastre and Informal Sector Department
Census and Surveys Directorate
The Direcção de Censos e Inquéritos, abbreviated to DCI, is the central service responsible for planning, coordinating, and conducting censuses and population and other surveys.
The DCI is responsible for:
- Designing, elaborating the methodology and auxiliary documents for conducting censuses and surveys;
- Standardize and coordinate the execution of surveys;
- Standardise, supervise and support the preparation of sample frame designs for surveys carried out by INE's central bodies or by its delegated bodies;
- Organise and keep up-to-date the cartography for statistical purposes, specifically for censuses, surveys and population counts;
- Organise and keep INE's Map Collection, the population database and the Geographical Information System (GIS) up-to-date;
- Prepare geographic statistics, including demographic and socio-cultural atlases of the population;
- Propose and cooperate in the preparation of methodologies and auxiliary documents for censuses and surveys under the responsibility of INE or of INE's delegated bodies;
- Provide opinions on requests for authorisation from other bodies to carry out censuses and surveys;
- Carry out surveys or special statistical work aimed at other entities, as well as those ordered and approved by INE;
- Perform any other functions assigned by the President and Vice-President in charge of demographic, vital and social statistics.
The DCI is structured as follows:
- Secretariat;
- Methods and Sampling Department;
- Cartography and Operations Department.
Directorate for Democratic, Vital and Social Statistics
The Directorate for Demographic, Vital and Social Statistics, abbreviated to DEDVS, is the central service responsible for demographic and social analysis and research, as well as the production and development of social and demographic indicator systems.
DEDVS is responsible for:
- Carry out demographic and social analysis and systematic research based on the use of available statistical information, in particular about the determining factors acting on the demographic dynamics of the country;
- Draw up statistics on the family and its living conditions, namely employment, remuneration and other working conditions, social welfare and assistance;
- Prepare demographic indicators and estimates and population projections;
- Elaborate vital statistics, population movements, as well as of judicial, teaching, scientific research, gender, health, cultural, sports, recreational and meteorological activities;
- Perform any other functions assigned by the President and Vice-President who supervise the demographic, vital and social statistics.
The DEDVS is structured as follows:
- Secretariat;
- Demographic Studies Department;
- Department of Vital and Social Statistics.
Administration and Human Resources Department
The Directorate of Administration and Human Resources, hereinafter referred to as DARH, is the central service of INE responsible for the provision of general administration services, human resources management and development, and staff training.
It is incumbent on the Directorate of Administration and Human Resources to:
- To prepare INE's draft budgets and to manage and report on them; in particular;
- Prepare the annual accounts report under the terms laid down in paragraph 2 of Article 24 of INE's Organic Statute, and collaborate with DICRE in the preparation of INE's annual activity report, under the terms laid down in paragraph 1 e) of Article 10 of the same Statute;
- Control and account for all INE's revenue and expenditure;
- Ensure the acquisition of movable and immovable property and ensure its proper use and maintenance;
- Manage the general transport, printing, telephone, hygiene, cleaning, protocol and security systems of INE;
- Carry out the general inventory of INE's assets and ensure its permanent updating;
- Provide administrative support to the Statistical Council, its committees and working groups, in liaison with DICRE;
- Plan, coordinate and ensure the selection, management, training and development of INE's human resources, as well as the recruitment of staff;
- Observe and enforce the EGFE and other legislation applicable to civil service employees, as well as give its opinion, when requested, on matters relating to human resources management and development;
- Design and control the academic and professional training plan of INE's staff;
- Ensure the actions within the scope of social assistance to INE's staff;
- Draw up the staff establishment plan, carry out its systematic management and manage the information system and the staff registry of INE;
- Carry out other activities as determined by the President.
The Directorate of Administration and Human Resources is structured as follows:
- Secretariat;
- Administration and Finance Department;
- Human Resources Department.
Provincial Delegations
The Provincial Delegations of INE, abbreviated as DPINE, are decentralized services of INE, whose purpose is to ensure, at provincial level, the execution of statistical operations at national, regional and local level; and the functions of provincial information centers with national statistical documentation.
The provincial delegations of INE are responsible for:
- Participate in the execution of statistical operations of national scope, execute statistical operations of specifically provincial and local scope, perform the functions of provincial centers of information and national statistical documentation, as well as manage the respective human, financial and material resources;
- Collaborate in the conception of statistical operations of national scope;
- To execute within its geographical area of jurisdiction the statistical operations of national scope;
- Design and implement statistical operations with a regional scope after approval by the President of INE;
- Coordinate and disseminate statistical information at provincial level and carry out economic and social studies at provincial level, after approval by the President of INE.
The DPINEs shall be headed by Provincial Delegates, with the status of provincial directors, and shall carry out their activities under the direct hierarchical dependence of the President of INE and in functional co-ordination with the different central services of INE, and shall also co-operate with the governments and other public and private entities of the province.
Provincial Delegates are appointed by the President of INE.
The Provincial Delegations of INE shall co-operate with the provincial governments, all bodies and services of the State and municipalities, and all other public and private entities of the respective province, which shall provide all the necessary co-operation to carry out their tasks.
The DPINE is organized in the following services:
- Secretariat;
- Department of Economic Statistics;
- Department of Demographic and Social Statistics;
- Administration and Human Resources Department;
INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICA - Moçambique. 1996-2023 Powered by: Infopel RDSambo